Emperor's New Clothes
Kim Jong um - is the emperor
His flag is his clothes
His seams are on the outside and you can watch them unravel as the people
(People being his crowd are learning slowly by sneaking usb in of the rest of the world!). And to the western world he is unravelling before us... perhaps his clothes will unravel in our life time and he will be naked!!
His people the crowd it would appear they are slowly realising whats going on but like the crowd they are saying nothing !! And for good reason ... death is a penalty...
The sad child represents the innocent child... perhaps here the innocent child is physically not saying anything but the sad body language speaks volumes and this child represents every child in North Korea that is taken from the family during the week to be schooled and brain washed ... and to have such an impeccable perfect set of children with false smiles (makes you wonder about their schooling) so hopefully this child will speak up soon...
The jumper its self represents pulling the wool over the people eyes ...
The loose wool which is joined to the phone is set out in a matter of lines which represent the people that seem to be in lines for this and lines for this everything is lines and the real meaning of the wool being ridged and controlled is because their communication they received is exactly that controlled and the older phone stands for lack of real information and only allowing the people strict limited information that controlled by kim jong um ...
The music is wake-up music and it is played over the tannoy's all across North Korea from when the sun comes up till late morning every day.
